First Impressions, Sales and Negotiation 
It takes just one-tenth of a second for two people meeting each other for the first time to judge and make a first impression. First impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics: age, culture, language, physical appearance, voice, behaviour...
When meeting a business contact, non-verbal behaviors are particularly important to form a good first impression

This 2-day course gives a basic overview of ensuring that you make a good first impression, lead into successful negotiations and make the sale. It provides hints and tips, knowledge, tools and techniques as well as experience in a safe environment. We use little theory and lots of practice, with active feedback, discussion and exercises.
Goals of our First Impressions NLP and Negotiation Course
- First Impressions: The 7 First Impressions Fundamentals ; Overcoming a Bad First Impression ; The 4 Social Gifts ; The Brand Called YOU
- Sales as a Process
- Negotiation: The 6 Steps to Success ; 4 Questions; The 6 Principles