SimulTrain® is a Project Management simulator that allows the participants to integrate into one coherent whole all of the Project Management factors: costs, deadlines, quality, functionality and human factors.
It is particularly useful to put all of the acquired knowledge into practice at the end of a Project Management course.

Training is done in small sub-groups of 4 people, in two sessions of 3-4 hours each. Each group has one computer with the project management simulation program. The simulator confronts the groups with situations very different in nature and often requiring quick decisions. The participants thus learn how to work and make decisions as a team.
This simulation does not require many prerequisites. We recommend:
• A general knowledge of Project Management and project life cycle;
• Knowledge of the Gantt Diagram and the Activity Network.
How to learn with Simultrain
The simulator allows the group to work on the progress and execution of a rather important project. It confronts the learners with many situations requiring the ability of making fast decisions while taking all of the project parameters into account (costs, deadlines as well as all human factors).
The simulator involves multimedia technology: the participants receive many phone calls, e-mails and voice-mails, thus immersing them in a realistic project atmosphere.