Successful Project Management 
Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently. It is an absolutely strategic competency for any organizations, as it ties project results to business goals and enhances their competitivity and profitability.

Suited to project team members, new Project Managers, and Project Managers needing a refresher, Successful Project Management is a 2-day intensive, interactive and fun Project Management workshop that enables participants to develop new project management skills. This fun and interesting course focuses on hands-on exercises, case studies, discussions and teamwork.
Benefits of OUR SuccesSful Project Management WORKSHOP for Project Managers
- Understand the importance of a Sponsor and Stakeholder Analysis- Have a clear understanding of the project management process steps
- Understand the importance of people skills in project management
- Know how to build and manage a team
- Have an easy to use check-list of things to do
- Know what to do to ensure success
- Start to apply the new process immediately
- Understand and manage the following Project areas:
- Time, cost, scope
- The team
- Sponsor and stakeholders
- Risks, issues, procurement, quality
- Communications, progress reporting
- Changes, delays
Outline of our Successful Project Management WORKSHOP
- Initiate: Set goals, objectives and scope, Prepare a project Charter, Define Stakeholders and their needs
- Plan: Define work packages, Estimate costs, Prepare Project Plan, Create WBS, Create Network Diagram and Gantt Chart, Engage resources, Plan for risk, quality, and communications
- Execute: Develop team, Manage Change, Manage conflicts, Give feedback
- Control Progress: Control changes, Control delays, Reporting
- Close: Close suppliers, Lessons Learned, Celebrate!