Train the Trainer 
These 3 levels of VIRTUAL workshops (Expert, Elite, Master) are designed with little theory and much practice and discussion to ensure that all staff in the organization who are asked to train either internally or externally are ready and prepared to create training material and to provide training courses.
The program provides best practices, tools and tips for creating and giving interactive courses and how to behave when presenting and handling participants.
You can choose to run the whole program or part of the program, depending on your needs and objectives. Participants are immediately able to apply these new skills, tools and techniques to their own training courses and workshop facilitations.

After having attended this training participants will be able to:
- Create targeted and interesting material and training courses
- Deliver interactive and creative trainings
- Create impact and audience retention
- Anchor learnings
- Involve participants and manage group dynamics in classroom and VIRTUALLY
- Energise the group
- Practice key delivery skills
- Adapt to different adult learner behaviours
- Practice key facilitation skills
- Manage difficult behaviour
- Use NLP to achieve your goals
- Successfully evaluate and appraise the participants and their improvements
- Plan for Action – from theory to practice
- Practice, practice, practice
Training Path and AGENDA – Classroom or VIRTUAL sessions

You can choose to run the whole program or part of the program, depending on your needs and objectives.
Level 1: 2 days or 4 x 4 hours EXPERT Trainer
Basics of Training
• 15 minutes per participant training practice
• Active feedback
• Energising exercise
Facilitating training sessions
• 15 minutes per participant training practice
• Active feedback
Creating training material including exercises
• 15 minutes per participant training practice
• Active feedback
• Energising exercise
Successful Delivery
• 15 minutes per participant FINAL training practice
• Active feedback
Level 2: 1 day or 2 x 4 hours ELITE Trainer
Learning Styles and profiles (Kolb)
Introduction to NLP
Anchoring learnings
• 15 minutes per participant training practice
• Active feedback
• Energising exercise
Managing difficult behaviour
• 15 minutes per participant training practice
• Active feedback
Level 3: 1 day or 2 x 4 hours MASTER Trainer
Creating training courses and programs
Learning space design and classroom management
Advanced facilitation techniques
Evaluation and appraisal techniques
Follow-up – from theory to practice
Practice – practice - practice