Change : what can I do about it 
Most, if not all organisations are in a state of change. The world is moving faster and faster, and both the organisations and the individuals who work in them have constantly to face both planned and unplanned changes.
Every change that happens can be either motivating or discouraging for the employees. This workshop helps ensure that the changes in the organisation are accepted and implemented by the staff involved, and that there is a return on the investment made.

The process of implementing changes is discussed in our “Managing Change in Organisations” workshop, so in this workshop we switch the focus from the organisation to the individual person who is asked to change and/or make changes.
Often individuals feel powerless when faced with change in their work or private lives. They feel that they have no choice and no say in the changes being imposed by external forces, and this can cause absenteeism, demotivation and burn-out, all symptoms that are more and more frequently seen in organisations these days.
In this workshop, we will give the participants tools and techniques that enable them to become aware of their choices and the opportunities that can be found in each change. They will learn how to manage the emotional cycle of change as well as how to live more positively in a changing environment.
Agenda of "Change : what can i do about it"
• What is change
• Change as threat or opportunity
• Emotions of change and how to manage them
• The Circle of Personal Power
• Applying the process for living with change
A tailored change workshop
Since each organisation faces individual challenges, it is important that we spend some time with you up-front to clearly understand your situation and objectives, so that we ensure that the workshop targets your exact needs.