Working Smarter, Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout 
It’s hard to be balanced with your eyes closed, and that’s effectively what’s happening when we are not paying attention to how we work. It’s how we work—acting before thinking, time frenzy, doing more than we can do well—that’s at the bottom of our unbalanced lives. Five out of the six leading causes of death have stress as a factor, as well as some 75% of doctor visits.
Stress is optional. It’s your reaction to what someone says or does, the story you tell yourself about the stressful event, that drives the stress. This means it is something we have the power to change.
This is why we have created a workshop that will equip you with powerful tools and exercises that will help you understand how to deal with stress and stressors, and how to prevent burnout.
This workshop shows how to change the way we work and live by setting boundaries, managing demands and devices, eliminate stress and burnout triggers, building attention and refuelling and recharging the batteries.

This workshop will help you understand your own personal working style and how it impacts on others. Look at ways to improve your professional and personal potential by making positive changes and developing and managing yourself better.
Outline of the Working Smarter, Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout Training
This 2-day (or VIRTUAL 4 x 4 hours) interesting, interactive and highly reflective workshop uses useful exercises, tools and techniques to show you how to manage uncertainty, anxiety, and overwhelm and build coping skills.
It covers:
Manage Stress
• Navigate uncertainty and change
• Manage the virtual environment
• Reframe & deactivate stress triggers
• Manage difficult people
• Control rumination & anxious thoughts
• Build coping resources, resilience
• Control time pressure
• Deploy the most effective tension reduction techniques
• Knock out burnout
• Increase optimism, happiness
Avoid Burnout
• Manage demands, pressure, pace
• Control email overload
• Set boundaries
• Stop burnout, beat stress
• Improve prioritization skills
• Manage interruptions & attention
• Navigate the work-life divide
• Get healthy
• Live the fullest life
Method of our PWorking Smarter, Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout Training
The workshop is interactive, interesting and immediately applicable to real life. We keep the participants actively involved throughout this workshop, using a little theory, and then immediately practicing in a safe, comfortable environment. Participants walk out with real skills that they can start to apply immediately. The course is taught by highly experienced practitioners.
Personal Action Plan
Each participant will choose 3 objectives for their Personal Action Plan to achieve within the following 3 months, based on what they learned during the workshop.
We will arrange a group conference call 3 months after the workshop with the trainer to go through the Personal Action Plan, in order to debrief on what each participant achieved, and if not, why not. This ensures that each participant applies the theory learned during the workshop.