Stress, Time, and Meetings Management Course 
A 2-day intensive, interactive, reflective course that helps participants analyse their current use of working time and understand how to decrease their daily stress, use their time efficiently, regain control by actively managing their priorities in emails, interruptions and phone calls as well as managing meetings effectively.This course focuses on hands-on exercises, self-awareness and teamwork.

The course is suited to all those who wish to find practical solutions to coping with daily stress, who wish to find more time in their work and for themselves, and who do not want to waste time in meetings. Participants walk out with real skills that they can start to apply immediately.
Course Content
Stress Management
- What is stress?
- What are the signals?
- How to cope?
- How to use stress actively?
- Avoiding burnout
Time and Priorities Management
- How to make time work for you
- Personal productivity
- Setting priorities
- Using checklists and deadlines
- Goal setting
- Why delegate?
- How to delegate
- Warning signs that you need to delegate (better)
- The steps in delegating
Meeting Management
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Is this meeting necessary?
- The meeting process
- Ground rules
- 8 steps to success
Managing Emails
- Do's and Don'ts
- Email Etiquette