Influencing across the organization 
A 2-day intensive, interactive, reflective course that helps participants plan a tailored, systematic approach for gaining support, resources, and collaboration from individuals in matrix organizations where you have no formal influence. This course focuses on case studies, hands-on exercises, self-awareness and teamwork. We keep the participants actively involved throughout these intensive 2 days, using a little theory, and then immediately practicing in a safe, comfortable environment. Participants walk out with real influencing skills that they can start to apply immediately.

Topics covered in this Influencing skills course
- Organizational white space
- Organizational politics
- Gathering intelligence
- Forming alliances
- Acquiring influence
- Reciprocity
- Negotiation
- Persuasion
- Active listening
- Conflict management
- “Virtual” relationships
- Cross-cultural relationships
Benefits from taking Influencing across the organization course
At the end of the course you will be able to:
- Plan a tailored, systematic approach for gaining support, resources, and collaboration from individuals in matrix organizations where you have no formal influence;
- Use basic tools and techniques for building relationships and gaining influence across organizational boundaries;
- Address typical cross-boundary challenges, such as managing conflict, bridging cross-cultural differences, and working in geographically dispersed or “virtual” relationships;
- Manage your progress in working across organizational boundaries including coping with resistance that threatens accomplishment of your objectives.