Problem solving and decision making 
A 2-day lively, immediately applicable and very interactive course that ensures participants walk away with real skills to apply in their work and lives in problem solving and decision making. This course focuses on case studies, hands-on exercises, self-awareness and teamwork. It is suited to all staff members.

We keep the participants actively involved throughout these intensive 2 days, using a little theory, and then immediately practicing in a safe, comfortable environment. Participants walk out with real skills that they can start to apply immediately.
Benefits of the Problem Solving Decision Making course
After this training participants will be able to:
- Know the difference between problem solving and decision making
- Understand the 5 types of problems and how to identify them
- Understand why problems do not always get solved, and what to do to avoid this
- Understand the different Problem Solving methods and when to apply each method
- Be aware of decision making challenges and how to avoid these
- Understand the decision making process and how to apply it to real life decisions
- Know the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making
- Work through the common decision making mistakes and how to correct them
Outline of Problem Solving and Decision making Course
• The Different types of problems
• The 7-step Problem Solving process
• Multiple Perspectives and how they influence
• 10 Problem Solving methods – and when to use them
• Decision Making and its challenges
• The Decision Making process
• Synergistic Decision Making
• Consensus in groups
• Decision Making mistakes and traps