Writing Presentations and Presenting in Public 
If you have ever had to give a public presentation, or are asked to present in public, you may feel overwhelmed and lack the confidence you need to stride on to the stage.

Our two-day practical Writing and Presenting in Public course gives participants the opportunity to learn and to practice presentation skills and techniques in a safe and positive environment. We use minimum theory, maximum tips and practice, structured feedback, and video recording to ensure that participants get the most out of the time spent.
By taking the course, participants will understand what comprises effective presentations, what to do, what not to do, and will practice these skills in a safe environment. Participants walk out with confidence in themselves when presenting.
Agenda of our Writing and Presenting in Public Course
1. Introduction
2. Planning the Presentation
a. Know your audience
b. Beginnings and endings
c. Using Visual Aids
d. Using notes
3. Writing Presentations
a. The Pyramid Principle in action
b. Building a story
c. Distilling the main message
d. Getting the message across
4. Dealing with questions, objections and push-back
5. Facilitating discussions and engaging with the audience
6. Non-verbal behaviour
7. Executing the presentation
a. Preparing and using notes
b. Preparing and using visual aids
c. Breathe life into your presentation
d. Show energy and confidence
e. The presentation itself
f. Conclusion
Take Aways FROM our Writing and Presenting in Public Course
• Handout of all the course slides
• Handout of “Do’s and Don’t’s in Presenting”
• Hard copy and PDF of the Pyramid Principle Sheet
• “My Objectives” sheet
• Each participant receives a DVD of their individual presentations, including the feedback of each session.