Managing the sales cycle
A 2-day seminar which uses a strong foundation of Project Management to plan, implement and manage the sales cycle. The course defines a methodology to ensure that the correct opportunities are chosen, clear objectives set, all key stakeholders are identified and milestone-driven plan is well defined and managed to maximise the probability of success. We use little theory and lots of practice, with active feedback, discussion and exercises.
Benefits of the Managing the Sales Cycle Course
Participants have a clear repeatable methodology and approach to ensuring sales opportunities are identified and planned in a consistent manner to ensure appropriate expectations are set, resources are available, clear responsibilities understood and clear measurements of success defined.
Outline of the Manage the sales cycle course
Using extensive group-work, personal experience, and client-specific situations, the course will focus on the following areas:
- Prioritising the opportunities
Potential probability of success
Strategic alignment
Overall benefit to organisation
- Getting commitment from the organisation
Getting sponsorship agreement
- Creating and involving the team
Develop the plan together
- Setting clear and realistic objectives
Time, resources required, target sales value
- Identifying and managing the key stakeholders
Who are the key stakeholders?
What do you expect from them, what do they expect from you ?
Analysing stakeholder influences
- Analysing the competition
Strengths and weaknesses
Actions to benefit or counter
- Setting clear and agreed responsibilities
Who does what and when ?
Internal support requirements
- Creating a realistic timeline with milestones
The critical path to success
- Measuring success
Were objectives met ?
Win or lose - What lessons were learned ?