Rethink! Projects

With Rethink! Projects, everyone involved supports the change, without needing to be motivated.

Get everyone on board for change by actively involving them in the change process!

Decision-makers and change-makers:
• Measure the degree of agreement or dissent towards change by those impacted.
• Harness the organization's collective intelligence.
• Convert those impacted into passionate supporters.
• Minimize unrest arising through change.
• Increase the speed at which change is implemented.

Fields of application:
• Strategy execution
• Merging organizations and companies
• Organizational transformation
• New IT solutions and systems releases

When there is lack of commitment for change!

Managing Change

Rethink! Projects

Line managers' duties include implementing strategies and managing change. People who are tasked with executing a strategy usually support it.

Consider the rest of the organization when it comes to supporting change:
• To what extent do impacted employees identify with the strategy?
• How can you build enthusiasm for the strategy among those who are impacted?
• How do you improve your employees' engagement with pending change sustainably?

Answer these questions in just four steps; transform the people impacted into passionate supporters and obtain better results more quickly and efficiently.

Get an initial impression
Measure the confidence as soon as a stakeholder is impacted by change. Take an unbiased approach when surveying all people impacted. Make your questions specific. Unbiased, so that you get a true picture of the change. Specific, so that you can understand how the people affected truly feel about the change. In this way, you will understand where you stand, and the people affected will know that you take them seriously.

Use critical feedback to your advantage
Recognize possible sceptics and meet with them as soon as possible. This will have a positive impact on the course of your change process, as it will foster reciprocal learning and transform latent doom and gloom into effective optimism. In this way, you will transform the sceptics into passionate supporters.

Get to the root of the problem
Quickly get an idea of how to increase the degree of engagement of those impacted by change and what is already influencing their engagement in a positive manner. A multi-tiered classification system of open feedback will provide you with the right guidelines. A closer analysis will result in appropriate interventions and will help avoid a “one size fits all” approach. This way, you will know what is important.

Transfer responsibilities
Promote confidence and engagement for change across all levels of the organization and let everyone access the results of confidence measurements. The effect of the short-term measures generated as a result of Rethink!Projects are usually noticed within a month. This will motivate everyone to take responsibility for change.

Emerge from change stronger!
Only those who, from the start of the change process, have put milestones in place using concrete Measures, will have set the foundation required to continuously improve confidence and engagement. Rethink!Projects and support your initiative.

You can expect to:
• Keep track of how change engagement is evolving
• Know what works well, and what needs improvement
• Identify the most beneficial measures
• Recognize sceptics and turn them in passionate supporters

Make the most of your initiatives

You will be involved in three steps of the process, which will take less than one day.
I. Give a briefing - Inform us of your desired outcomes and create a list of all employees impacted.
II. Collect feedback - All employees impacted will be asked just seven questions.
III. Approve measures – Free-text feedback is evaluated and shared in an executive briefing session.

Rethink!Projects is supported by an AI-based People Analytics app for viewpoints in the rethinking cloud. The rethinking cloud is developed and hosted by the Swiss Ladner Institute for endurance (Life Institute). This is a European research institute that focuses since 25 years on the topic of unconscious viewpoints.

Using unbiased questions, Rethink!Projects harnesses the organisation’s collective intelligence. Freed of the so-called “unconscious bias”, that is, without stereotypes, misconceptions and seemingly irrefutable lessons from the past, ideas that otherwise get lost in the sea of standardized, canned checkbox questions are brought to the table.

Dedicated algorithms in the evaluate the answers to the free-text questions.

Benefits of Rethink! projects

If you are able to understand individual viewpoints and merge them into one and win over the heart and soul of all involved, you will make effective decisions that are quickly implemented and supported by everyone.

Participating parties

Those responsible for strategies will see to what extent the strategy permeates the organization.
Project and change managers know what to do to improve the implementation.
Those impacted help design the change, making them passionate supporters.


• More quickly execute the strategy or change.
• Minimize productivity losses resulting from change.
• Increase the ability to embrace change sustainably.

«... I am convinced that without rethinking our project, we would have returned to our typical management perspective (an overly positive way of seeing things). I can only recommend the Rethink! Project service to support you on your path to transformation ...»

Werner Boeing
Head of IT and CIO,
Roche Diagnostics
Emerge stronger from turbulent times! When the boat starts rocking… it makes a big difference if everyone is committed !

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