Improving Your Personal Effectiveness 
Increasingly more is expected of us both at work and in our private lives. As both work activities and organisational structures change rapidly, the need for each of us to work at the peak of our effectiveness has increased.
Our personal effectiveness training is a 1-day intensive, interactive, reflective workshop that helps participants analyse their current use of working time, use their time efficiently, and regain control by actively managing emails, interruptions and phone calls, whilst managing their stress levels successfully.
This workshop focuses on hands-on exercises, self-awareness and teamwork. It is suited to all staff members.

This workshop will help you understand your own personal working style and how it impacts on others. Look at ways to improve your professional and personal potential by making positive changes and developing and managing yourself better.
Outline of the Personal Effectiveness Training
Time and Priorities Management
• How to make time work for you
• Personal productivity
• Setting priorities
• Using checklists and deadlines
• Goal setting
Email Management
• Do’s and Don’ts
• Email Etiquette
Managing Stress
• What is stress?
• What are the signals?
• How to use stress actively?
• Avoiding burnout
Method of our Personal Effectiveness Training
The workshop is interactive, fun, and interesting. We keep the participants actively involved throughout this intensive day, using a little theory, and then immediately practicing in a safe, comfortable environment. Participants walk out with real skills that they can start to apply immediately.